Thursday, February 21, 2013


This last week we talked about marriage prep.  I really liked it.  I have noticed some patterns in my dating habits that I am going to be correcting and am excited to see how it will improve my relationships.  Although I am single right now I have high hopes.  That's about all I have to say this week, sorry it's so short.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hello again.  I really have no idea if people read these, but here is this week's update.  I really thought classes this week were interesting.  The discussion of homosexuality and nature vs. nurture has always been an interesting topic for me.  I liked the readings we had that helped show that science really has only proven that it's not biological, primarily.  I also liked the discussions we had in class about gender roles.  My current family is great because both my mom and my step-dad work together very well, and it is apparent.  I have been in families, and observed families, that don't work well together, based on how they fulfill their gender roles.  Overall it was a good week, and I liked the discussions we had and the questions I had answered.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I really enjoyed class this week. We talked about different cultures, and if they are all valid.  I love learning about other cultures and their traditions.  I think that our western culture is kinda going down the crap-shoot, and it would be good for us to look at other cultures to see other things that are good and try to implement them into our own lives.  I'm taking a class on the middle east right now and in the book we are reading the author is trying really hard to get people outside of the middle east to understand why Arabs behave the way they do, whether they are muslim or not.  It is fascinating.  Learning about how they communicate, and what is socially acceptable is really useful information in case I ever work with people from that part of the world.  I think sometimes as Amercians we feel like people outside of our culture are strange, and we look down upon them, and their beliefs or traditions, but the more we get to know people of other cultures I think we find that they are very similar to ourselves, as far as their desires.  Anywho, it was a good week learning about other cultures, and I liked the case study because it showed how cultures can clash.  Thats all for this week. Peace.