Monday, March 25, 2013

Parenting and managing money

This week was good.  We covered a subject that I have been trying to learn more about for the past year or so- money management.  In class we were asked to list three things we thought were particularly important to teach our families fromt the handout "One For the Money".  Our group decided that the three things were 1. tithing 2. restraint with spending and 3. the principle of hard work.  I think all three of these are very important principles to instill in young people's hearts.  My parents tried hard to teach me all of these.  I've always had to pay my tithing, on anything I received growing up.  My parents also had me save up for my mission, and I was able to pay for all of it, as well as college.  I am grateful that they taught me these principles because it has helped me to apprecitate the things that I save up and purchase, my education, as well as the things that they give me.  Parents have a lot of work to do with children, and I think that teaching them to manage their money is a very important role.  One reason for it is that it will help them to save up enough money for them to eventually move out of their parent's house.  That being said, I'm out. 

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